Trashketball Rules: Throw, Score & Learn

I absolutely love playing Trashket Ball with my students because it’s such a cool way to mix learning, reviewing, and moving around. There’s something super fun about trying to get those balls into the bin and racking up points. It turns what could be just another dull class review into a real game that everyone wants to win. Plus, it gets everyone working together, thinking on their feet, and really getting into it. It’s not just about memorizing stuff; it’s about building teamwork and being quick thinkers. And the best part? You can use it for any subject and set it up in no time. It’s like a breath of fresh air compared to the usual sit-down reviews, and it really helps the lessons stick.

Materials Needed

  • Trash bin or basket
  • Soft balls (like paper balls or foam balls)
  • This Trashketball game template
  • Timer (clock or stopwatch)
  • Scoreboard (whiteboard or paper)
  • Tape or markers (to make lines on the floor)

To play Trashket Ball, you need a few simple items. First, find a trash bin or a basket that will serve as your goal. Choose something sturdy that won’t tip over easily. Next, gather some soft balls – paper balls or foam balls work best to ensure safety and prevent damage. You also need a timer, which can be a clock or a stopwatch, to keep track of time during the game. A scoreboard is essential to keep score; you can use a whiteboard, PowerPoint template, or just a piece of paper. Lastly, have some tape or markers on hand to mark the floor, indicating where players should stand when they take their shots.

Trashketball scoreboard
Trashketball Scoreboard in PowerPoint


  • Place the trash bin at one end of the room.
  • Use tape or markers to draw a line with score numbers 1-3 a few steps away from the trash bin. This is where players will throw from.
  • Divide the players into two teams.
  • Write each team’s name on the scoreboard.


  • 20-30 minutes
  • Each round is 3 minutes long.

Trashket Ball is played in short, fast-paced rounds, making it exciting and keeping everyone engaged. Each round should last about 3 minutes, which is enough time for several turns but short enough to keep the energy high. Depending on how much time you have and the players’ enthusiasm, you can play multiple rounds. The flexibility in timing makes Trashket Ball perfect for filling in gaps in your schedule or as a main activity.


The teacher poses a question to the class, and teams collaborate quickly to come up with their answer.

If the team answers correctly, they earn the chance to throw the ball into the trash bin from a marked line. When a team answers a question correctly, they earn the right to attempt a throw.

Around the trash bin, there are marked zones, each indicating a different point value. The further away from the bin, the higher the points awarded for a successful throw, reflecting the increased difficulty of scoring from a distance.This setup encourages students to weigh their options; they can opt for a closer, potentially easier shot for fewer points, or take a risk with a longer throw to gain more points if successful. The decision of where to throw from is left to the student making the throw, adding a personal touch to each attempt and fostering individual judgment and risk assessment. This also teaches valuable lessons about evaluating risks and rewards.

This video will help you understand how to play Trashket Ball with your students:

Extra Tips

When playing Trashket Ball, the priority is to ensure everyone has fun and stays safe. Choosing soft balls like paper or foam can prevent injuries and protect the room from damage.

Depending on the players’ ages and skill levels, you might need to adjust the throwing line distance to keep the game challenging yet achievable.

Keeping the game chill and fun is key. I am not here to be super strict about every rule. What I really want is for everyone to have a great time and feel included. It’s awesome to see everyone cheering each other on, even for the tries that don’t quite make it, and high-fiving for the shots that do. This way, the game’s not just fun; it also creates a really positive vibe in the room.

Trashket Ball is a fantastic game for encouraging physical activity, teamwork, and hand-eye coordination among players. Whether you’re a teacher looking for a fun class review or someone organizing a casual get-together, this game is sure to bring smiles and laughter to all participants. Enjoy the game!