Categories Game Worksheet: Free Download


This free Categories Game Worksheet provides a structured way for students to record answers and for teachers to tally scores quickly, making each round of the game run smoothly.

Key Features

Easy Setup: Spaces for up to 5 categories and the chosen letter for each round.
Quick Gameplay: Allows teams to efficiently record their answers.
Simple Scoring: Designed for easy review and point tallying after each round.

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How to Play the Categories Games with Students

Form Teams: Split the class into two or three teams based on the size of the class. For smaller classes, you can have students play individually.

Pick Categories: Choose 5 or 6 categories and write them on the board.

Choose a Letter: Pick a letter of the alphabet to use for the first round.

Start the Game: Teams quickly write a word for each category starting with the chosen letter. They can use paper or the categories game worksheet.

End the Round: The first team to finish claps twice and touches their heads. Everyone else stops writing. That team wins the round.

Score Points: Check the winning team’s words. If all are correct, give them 5 points. Check other teams’ words and give 1 point for each correct answer.

Play More Rounds: Change the starting letter for the next round. After a few rounds, switch up the categories too.


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