10 Classroom Trivia Games  

Using trivia games in class is a fun way to learn. It changes boring class review sessions into fun games. This makes students want to join in, work together, and enjoy a little friendly competition. It’s a nice break from the usual way of learning, and students often look forward to it. Trivia games also make hard topics easier to understand and remember, making learning better for everyone. Here are ten trivia games I like to use with my students:

1. Who’s the Smartest?

  • Grade Level: Middle to High School
  • Subject: General Knowledge
  • Instructions: Students are divided into teams. Each team receives a question and discusses their answer. Answers are submitted using a device. Points are given for correct answers.
  • Preparation: Teachers prepare a list of diverse questions and ensure enough devices are available for teams.


  • Grade Level: High School
  • Subject: General Knowledge
  • Instructions: Players invent fake answers to real trivia questions. Points are scored for choosing the correct answer or for fooling others with a convincing fake answer.
  • Preparation: Choose trivia questions and ensure each student has access to the app or a device.

3. Random Trivia Generator

  • Grade Level: Any
  • Subject: Various
  • Instructions: The teacher asks questions from the generator. Students or teams answer, and points are awarded for correct responses.
  • Preparation: Select a suitable set of questions from the generator tailored to the student’s knowledge level.

4. Hangout at the Zoo

  • Grade Level: Elementary
  • Subject: Biology/Science
  • Instructions: Focus on animal-related questions. Students answer using multiple-choice or direct input on devices.
  • Preparation: Compile animal trivia questions and arrange for a digital platform to submit answers.

5. QuizBreaker

  • Grade Level: High School/Teacher Team-Building
  • Subject: Social Studies/General Knowledge
  • Instructions: Students answer questions about each other, learning how well they know their peers.
  • Preparation: Collect interesting facts about your students beforehand to create personalized questions.

6. Travel Trivia Mini Game

  • Grade Level: All Ages
  • Subject: Geography/Culture
  • Instructions: Share travel-related stories and facts, then quiz the students on these narratives.
  • Preparation: Gather travel stories and facts and prepare a quiz or presentation.

7. Living Facts

  • Grade Level: Middle to High School
  • Subject: U.S. History/Culture
  • Instructions: Present facts about U.S. history and culture, followed by a quiz.
  • Preparation: Research and compile interesting facts for presentation and quiz questions.

8. Trivia Crack

  • Grade Level: All Ages
  • Subject: Various
  • Instructions: Players compete in answering questions from different categories to win characters.
  • Preparation: Familiarize with the app and select appropriate categories for the class.

9. Logo Trivia Game

  • Grade Level: Middle to High School
  • Subject: Art/Design
  • Instructions: Identify companies or brands based on their logos.
  • Preparation: Collect a variety of logos and set up a presentation or quiz format.

10. CrowdPurr

  • Grade Level: Any
  • Subject: Various
  • Instructions: Create a custom trivia game with questions tailored to the class’s curriculum.
  • Preparation: Use CrowdPurr to design the game, including custom questions, answers, and a leaderboard.